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ADHD in Women and Girls
by Robert G. Kohn D. O.
Which girls and which women come to the doctor for ADHD/ADD? Let me share with you some of my experiences.  Read More...

Osteopathic Manipulation for the Prevention and Treatment of Influenza
by Andrea Clem, DO
Fall is traditionally the time for back to school, football Saturdays - and cold and flu season. Recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that an average of 36,000 Americans die annually from influenza related complications.1 This year, the concern is even greater with the possibility of the H1N1 or swine flu epidemic.  Read More...

Osteopathic Manipulation in Pregnancy
by Andrea Clem, DO
Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body undergoes many structural, circulatory, and hormonal changes. These may lead to various musculoskeletal complaints, increase her risk of injury, or alter the course of pre-existing conditions. Most of the symptoms encountered can be attributed to the development and growth of the fetus and are often specific to the different trimesters of the pregnancy. In addition, throughout pregnancy, a woman's body produces the hormone relaxin which allows the joints of the pelvis to become flexible for the fetus to pass. It is also responsible for increased joint laxity leading to many of the dysfunctions that occur during pregnancy and delivery.  Read More...

What Is a D.O., and What Can I Expect During a Visit?
from the American Osteopathic Association web site
The physicians who practice Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment are called Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.s). In many ways, D.O.s resemble medical doctors. They provide a full range of services, from prescribing drugs to performing surgery. And they use the latest medical tools. But D.O.s offer something special, their unique approach to patient care.  Read More...

Tips for Buying Supplements, by Dr. Richard Bisceglie
Important Guidelines. Some supplement manufacturers hire independent laboratories to verify what their products contain. This is the only way to know for certain what is in a supplement. Listed below are some of the benchmarks that I look for....  Read More...

Traumatic Brain Injury, by Dr. Robert Kohn
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can become an invisible barrier that prevents those affected from rejoining their families and friends, and TBI can shatter hopes for the future. Every fifteen seconds someone in the United States suffers a brain injury. Every five minutes, one of those people will die. Read More...

ADHD, by Dr. Robert Kohn
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is often a multigenerational condition that requires a comprehensive treatment plan. ADHD represents a spectrum disorder with varying genetics, psycho-social and behavioral symptoms.  Read More...

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